As usual, we had a really wonderful but busy Easter.
Every year, our church does a sunrise service (6:00 a.m.). It's always rough getting the kids up, but we are always so glad we went. It is always such a blessing! I got to sing with our church's quartet and really appreciated my pastor's message. I'm so thankful for the sacrifice Christ made for me on the cross!
After our church-provided breakfast, we headed home for a couple of hours until we had to be back at the church for the regular morning service. We had a wonderful time of worship--an Easter cantata, a powerful message, and I was privileged to sing a solo--The Getty's "Power of the Cross". Here is a video of what I sang (man, I wish I could've sounded like THIS!) I never get tired of watching this or listening to her sing.
Such an amazing song with deep truth! I felt so blessed to be a part of such a special day at our church (and, truthfully--was REALLY glad I didn't squeak or squawk in front of all those people in my church! *whew*)
We got some really cute pics afterwards--the boys and my Mom, their "Grandma Jane"
Love this one of Colin and my mom. Col takes such good pictures for his photo-crazy Momma.
We got this shot just in time....
....because not a moment later, children started melting down before our very eyes.
First, the Lolee girl....
....then Ethan started the pouty face....
....then Cameron even started getting saucy, which is unusual for him!
As you can see, Colin was in fine spirits the entire time. *giggle*
Lola had a fit whenever anyone even pointed the camera in her general direction.
{This is, however, a good shot of her purple-to-match-her-Daddy-manicure.}
{Oh, and her teeth. They still kill me.}
As soon as you would let her down, she was all good.
Our little 'princess' is beginning to throw some royal fits, I tell ya.
So, Shane and I decided to ditch the brats the precious little ones and take our own picture.
This is the standard pose each year*giggle*
My poor mother desperately wanted one shot with Lola...she practically had to crawl on the floor and sneak in the shot without Lola knowing! I was talking away to Lola; mom crept in; and I whipped out the camera and snapped a shot. This is what we ended up with! Hysterical what we woman will do for pictures.
Then, it was home to do Easter baskets.
The boys were so excited.
We made them close their eyes while Shane put the baskets down in front of them...
Lola opened her eyes early. She didn't seem impressed.
By this point, the boys were giggling so hard...we all were!
Finally--OPEN!! Cam was really excited with what he saw, apparently!
Ethan was the cutest to watch.
He took each thing out, one by one, and exclaimed over how special it was.
"GREEN play dough! WOW!!"
Colin got a scorpion.
Actually, to be more specific, another scorpion....
....and Cameron got a squishy tarantula.
They were ecstatic.
{The things that make boys happy. *sigh*}
E, exclaiming over his bug book, his new Bible....
....and his new "spiderman socks! Spiderman socks, Mommy!!"
He put them on post-haste.
Lola was content to play with her brother's sunglasses....
....Colin was happy to model his!
Note to Colin--you are looking far too grown up for my liking, son. Please stop that.
Then, it was on to the egg hunt.
I can not believe how quickly three boys can find eggs that it took Shane a half hour to hide!
I could barely snap the pictures in time!
E was thrilled to see his basket filling up!
I was not thrilled to see that I had underwear in the background of this photo.
Each of the boys found a special baggie full of goodies (under their pillows) from Grandma Jane!
The egg hunt continued for several minutes, as the boys had to find the more cleverly hidden ones....
Lo had a great time with her baggie during the hunt.
Counting the loot
Lola managed to get the hang of shaking the eggs (to see if there was anything inside, no doubt),
squeezing them (to snap them open), and then would look at me and grin with that,
"I know I'm not supposed to be in this stuff" look.
The best prizes inside the eggs, by far--the dollar bills.
We did allow the boys a few treats--Peeps, of course--supplied by a
certain grandmother who shall go nameless to protect her innocence.
My little carb lover trying Peeps for the first time....we'll call that a success, I'd say.
All in all, it was a super day. So thankful to have such meaning behind Easter, and to be able to be with family and truly have a fantastically FUN day!
Love the crazy pics - son hanging off stairs, daughter crying on lap . . . that stuff doesn't come to a halt on Easter.
looks like y'all had a fun and blessed Easter...sweet, sweet family Devin!
Great pics, as always, Dev!
Love all the excitement - you can def see it in all their faces :)
Of course, Lola's dress, pretty face and purple nail polish caught my eye throughout the blog :)
Everyone is too cute!
Love ya'll
Love the song - would love to hear you sing it. Post it, post it, post it!!!
Love all the pics - great family shot. I got a special kick out of describing the melt downs. My Hudson is a fit-throwing prince these days. I don't remember this from times past. Yikes. Just kidding - I think the nightmare fades with time.
I spanked his little hand yesterday for his repeated disobedience...he looked at me, cocked his head, smiled soooo sweetly, waved and said in a high pitched voice "hiiiiii, hiiiiii" and then proceeded to hug me 2 or 3 times. MANIPULATOR!
ANyway, back to the point - great Easter pics. And I seriously believe that the pile of underwear in the backdrop is to redeem you from the super Mom title who isn't given her kids any refined sugar, etc.. etc.. etc..
Love you :)
Hey lady!
Forgt to say in my comment the other day that LOLA AND MADISON HAVE THE S.A.M.E. KILLER FRONT TEETH! lol
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, my FSF!!!!
Love you
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