Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Soccer photos, 2011

Storm U6 boys
(Cameron: middle back; Ethan: front left)



Storm U8 boys
(Shane, coach; Colin: front, second from left)


{Aren't they just the cutest!?}


Leanne said...

I remember going to my older brother's soccer games. He was in the AYSO...and he always had orange slices and Gatorade on the sidelines!! This pic brings back those memories.

I'm glad your boys like soccer so much. I think my girls would like it too, if Daddy would teach them how to play!!

That Cam......awww.

Aim said...

OH MY WORD! I look at colin and I can see him as a teen already. wow his face has grown up so much! I will just have to look at ethan or Lola to remember his baby face. :)