As previously mentioned, we had a busy Easter morning. After eating with Grandma MJ, we came home and hit the sack! A couple of hours later, the boys woke up to find eggs scattered all about the house....and the hunt was on!!
"There's one!"
HA! Love this shot of E getting waaaaaay down in the crack to get the egg stuffed in there!
Cameron, being as gentle as he is, tried to open an egg (which contained a few coins) only to fling the egg and its contents all over the kitchen.
Here he is cleaning up (& counting the loot!)
"Got another one!"
Col was finding tons, as you can see...but, he was so good to share his findings!
Cameron spotted this high-percher, but was semi gracious to let E get it down
Then, once all of the 'stuffed' eggs had been found, we headed outside to find the eggs we had colored the night before. The boys each had one special egg that had their name on it--they were instructed that when they found 'their' egg, they were going to be able to redeem it for their very own extra-special basket of goodies! So....the hunt was back on!
"Nope. That's not it."
Ah....what is this Colin sees?
Found it!
One down, two to go....and Cameron found his next (without too much prodding!)

One down, two to go....and Cameron found his next (without too much prodding!)
Ethan found his last, with only a bit of help from Daddy
Then, it was back inside to find out exactly what those special eggs were good for!
Cameron's special basket contained a couple of large candy goodies (I'm sorry, but I can not help myself--I just couldn't not buy the Cadbury's or the Reese's eggs, even though they are like eight billion calories a piece), a new Hermie movie, a new Dinosaur Magic School Bus book, and several Henry and Mudge books! 
He got right to work checking the books out....

....and then moved on to a bit more comfortable reading spot. *grin*
Ethan, mostly, just sat and ate M&Ms. He was in his glory, believe me.
Col's basket also had those aforementioned large candies (of course), a new Veggie Tale movie (the Easter Carol--I had never seen this one, only read it to the boys--but it was great!), several Henry and Mudge books, and several Magic School Bus books!
Ethan, mostly, just sat and ate M&Ms. He was in his glory, believe me.
Col's basket also had those aforementioned large candies (of course), a new Veggie Tale movie (the Easter Carol--I had never seen this one, only read it to the boys--but it was great!), several Henry and Mudge books, and several Magic School Bus books!
{Ahem. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, eBay, for your used lots of books.}
so precious! looks like you guys had a blast! i love it!
Fun fun fun!!
We're pretty lame here - too cold to hide eggs outside, and too lazy to hide them inside.
Maybe next year. LOL
I wish we could have had our hunt outside. It's just too chilly in the mornings in April. Plus I think we still had some snow.
Love the pics.
Very creative! We just hide the baskets and do the eggs at g-ma Brenda's. I like the redeeming the egg for you basket too. Looks like you had a blast, while not too chaotic.
Found you through Mcmama's Twitter and thought its crazy we have the same last name. Your boys are absolutly darling!
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