I knew it.
My kid's a scholar, alright.
I've been saying he's a prodigy for years now, and people always laughed at me. Well, how about some living proof?
He's already speaking a foreign language.
Can you believe it?

I couldn't either, until I heard it. And, NO, he didn't pick this up from Dora or whoever Dora's male cousin is (Manny? Danny?) We don't have cable, remember. This and this apparently had something to do with it, though....
Even Cameron is saying a few words...it's pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.
Watch, and be amazed....
Alright, alright. Well, I never said WHAT the language was, now did I?
It's definitely foreign, that's for sure....
sounds good to me dev! let them listen to la bamba! that is how me and shanna learned our wonderful "Thanish speaking" Loved that! he was so serious too! couldn't get enough of your chuckles in the background egging them on.
ooo thannish is my new favorite language! amelie loved it too!
Lovin' it! Puckey and Jib speak some pretty good Thannish too!! LOL
I love Thannish !! that's so cute.
I love that he remebered where he learned it, he reminds me of Tristan a lot ;D
Thanks for sharing ;D
That's so funny. Sounded a little German too for a bit, haha.
Awesome! Such cuties!
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