We went yesterday for the sonogram, and I must say, I was.....nervous.
I can't really explain why I was feeling that way, but my hands were clammy, my heart was racing, and I sort of felt like I was back in high school again, getting ready to play an important volleyball game, or getting ready for a big music competition.
Except, on a much higher and more important level.
We walked in still 'having discussions' about whether or not we were going to find out. I still didn't want to. Shane did.
We entered the sono room, and almost immediately, the tech asked us "If I am able to tell, do you want to know the sex of the baby?"
Now, I will back up here and say that, with all the other babies, I didn't want to know either. But, as soon as I knew that that tech knew what the baby was, I folded and had to know, too.
This time, I didn't feel like that. I really, really did not want to find out. I just thought 'to be surprised at the end' would be so cool.
Did I mention that Shane did want to know, though? He likes to be prepared for things, and I really do understand that.
So, we told the tech that we weren't sure yet; that I didn't want to know, and he did. We also chit-chatted a bit, and told her about the three boys we have at home. We were still chatting when, a few minutes later, I saw something on the screen.
Two little circles, and one bigger more oval shaped thing in between.
"SHANE! I see something! Do you see that!"
The tech froze the screen.
"I see that. Right there! *pointing* What is that? Is that....what I think it is? A little you-know-what?" I said, ahem, shrieking a bit.
The tech laughed.
"Well," she said, "considering that we're looking at a cross section of the baby's head and stomach right now, I would have to say that, NO, that's not what you're thinking it is!"
We had a pretty good laugh over that one. And, to think that I was feeling pretty experienced when it comes to knowing what I see on a sono screen!
A beautiful profile.....

We also got good looks at the heart, brain, many different organs, both arms, legs, hands, and feet, and are praising the Lord that everything looks healthy and within normal ranges. The one thing I can't figure out--why Peanut weighs 8 ounces, but I've gained 10 pounds. Hmmmm.....
I want to thank you all for praying for us yesterday. It really means so much to know that we were covered in prayer by so many people! The one thing that I would ask everyone to please continue to pray about is that I seem to have a very low-lying placenta this time around. Enough so that it was a cause for concern for my doctor, and he put me under a few orders for the next month: no lifting the kids or any other heavy things, and a couple of other things too. I go back in one month to have another sonogram, to check and see if the placenta has moved any higher, and, at that point, if it has, I'll be released to 'normal' activity again.
Oh, and, by the way--Shane won the 'argument'.
I'm so thankful that the Lord has given us a healthy baby....
....and I'm so excited that now, I will finally have someone in this house to share all of my makeup with.
Wahoo! I love her 1st pics! She is too precious! I told Cory the exciting news last night, not really sure if he would care, cause you know how guys are, but he was thrilled. He said "they give us hope Kara...we could have a girl too!" Hee hee! I am going to try and call this am...
Yay, Dev!! I can't wait to meet her...she has some really cool big brothers!!
That is so awesome! I know that you would be happy either way, but this will be so exciting for you! I will continue to pray for you! I know that you are in good hands with Dr. Shepherd!
Love the pictures! Keep us posted!
Congratulations again to you and Shane! =)
Congratulations! She is beautiful! Enjoy shopping for her. I am sure she will have plenty of cute girly clothes. How blessed is she to have three big brothers to watch out for her! I can't wait to see what she looks like your boys are all so cute I am sure you guys will make a beautiful little girl too. Praying about your low lying placenta. I had that with Pearl ans it moved on its own as my uterus expanded more, hope yours does the same.
Hugs and Prayers
I wanted to mention there is a great website called Babysteals that post new deals every day at 11:00am Eastern time. They have great deals on name brand baby items from diaper bags, hotslings, babylegs, Robeez etc. Anyway todays "steal" is very girly. Check it out at The deals usually sell out pretty fast. I have bought several things form them and am always pleased with the items and the fast shipping.
congrats on the girl! I am having girl number 3, but that is ok, no boys for me! Prayers for you that the placenta moves into place! Great pictures!
Congratulations! I little girl. How fun!
eeek!! congrats!!
Here's to all things girlie & pink arriving in your home full of boyish & blue! I'm very grateful that you had a good appointment. The low lying placenta thing has actually occured with several of my friend & family members. Every time except once it has corrected itself. I hope that encourages you! Take it easy!
HOORAY !! not that a little boy wouldn't be so fun too but, a little girl !! I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations !! I too had a lower positioned placenta but within a few weeks it did move up. Crazy it can even do that huh?
I'm so excited, how did your boys react? Great pictures too :)
Yay! congrats on the little girl!! will be praying for you family. :)
Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!
So excited for you!
Absolutely precious!
Congrats on the Girl!!
I was in the same boat as you this time last year. I have 3 boys ages 5,3, and 2 and last Sept 5 I went for my sonogram to find out I was having a GIRL!! I too was excited that I was no longer the only female in the house!!
Now, you will have to change your signature. You are no longer Devin and the boys...
And also, believe me it will be very difficult to refer to your children as the "Kids" now instead of the "Boys". I still have that problem and say "the boys are doing such and such"!! LOL
Good luck,
If you ever need to see whta life will be like with 3 boys and a girl, come check out my blog...
Yeah!!!! I'm so happy for you... you are going to LOVE having a little girl in the house! :)
congratulations on a healthy baby! and girls, well, they're pretty amazing =)
Wahoo! Oh my gosh, as I kept reading it was driving me crazy that you weren't going to tell us the gender. Until I got to your last sentence. You sneaky little devil, you...
Anyhow, congratulations! Yay for a baby girl. Now...are you going to tell us the name? I think Brian and I have settled on a favorite boy name and a favorite girl name and hopefully, this coming Thursday, we will find out which one it will be.
Congrats again! I am SO excited for your family!
Woo Hoo!! Can you hear me shouting over here in NH? Congratulations to you all!! I'm so very happy for you and your family!! I'll be praying that all is well with you and baby girl for the next appointment.
I suppose you don't have a future in the sonogram business, eh? :)
Oh Dev, I am SO thrilled for you!! I'm glad the baby is happy, and I'm glad you get the chance to Mother a girl. Be prepared to be broke! She is going to be in major trouble when she starts dating with those older brothers watching out for her!
My placenta was low at first and I was 'on rest' but I grew into it too. It scared me though, after losing one... But it was fine, so don't stress over it. I can't wait to see the change your princess makes!
Awwwww CONGRATS!!!! I feel sorry for the first (actually, every) boy she brings home 18 years from now with all those big brothers!!
OH MY GOODNESS!! You are such a punk! All your facebook taunting and your friend was right, you did know and were just TOYING WITH US!!! I am SOOOOO thankful that this precious little one is healthy and I was so praying that if God felt led to give you a girl that He would- AHHHHHH! Life is gonna change in a BIG WAY! :) Good and a whole new dimension of crazy! I love you friend! Congrats and lay low... follow dr's orders
Awe, a baby girl! So HAPPY for you! :o) Congrats on your daughter-to-be and blessings on the rest of your pregnancy!
Katie in MI
AHHH!! DEVIN! Congrats!! I LOVE YOU! Sooo excited for you and Shane! Even tho, I would have been just as excited for a little boy :) Can NOT WAIT to meet her!!
Congratulations Devin. A beautiful baby girl to love. I will be content with my female cavoodle. *grin* So happy for you. xoxoxo LOVE the photos of the sono (we call them ulta-sounds here.)
I kept on checking back on your blog throughout the day the other day.....
A girl!
Wow. What do the boys think??
Those are great pictures too.
Any names picked out???
Girls are so much fun, soooo much fun.
Yeah, take it from one who knows, 7x over!
I'm 30 weeks along with mine. I would say you are soooo excited, since this will be a whole new experience.
Wow, is she going to be one very, very protected and loved little girl!
Not sure how I found your blog, but I've been following you for awhile. :) Congrats!! Your boys are just precious too.
Yipee for a girl!!!!! I love my boys, but it is so fun to have a girl too. Have fun SHOPPING!
Congratulations, Devin! I've not known the gender of my first two and we accidently found out about Nathan. I really enjoyed both ways so I never encourage anyone either way. I will say it was nice to be able to pray for and talk to Nathan by name. I'd lost 4 babies before him and was a nervous wreck the whole time. So, it was nice to know about him and see him and talk to him by name.
Pink is a LOT of fun too.
Congratulations!! Like you, I have boys and I adore them but I admit a little longing to have a little more girliness in the house! I'll be praying for you.
A girl! Congrats you guys. How awesome!
Oh, Devin, I am so excited for you!!!
What awesome GIRLY news!
I will be praying for your placenta - that it will not even be an issue when you go back next month for the sono...may the Lord heal you and protect both you and your sweet baby girl.
Many hugs and prayers,
Devin, I love your blog! And your family is so precious! Congrats on the little girl!
Congrats, Devin, that is awesome news. Girls are alot of fun, and lots of fun to shop for! :)
I am SOOOO happy you have a healthy baby GIRL on the way! I was rooting for team pink for you guys! The boys will just love her! And man Shane will be wrapped around that little girls tiny little finger and love every second of it! Congrats!
* I wondered all weekend if you had let everyone know on your blog because i was out of town meeting my new niece and thought how cool if you had a girl!*
Okay - I just have to say I am a little shocked at your announcement - but very, very happy for you! A million congrats to a happy and healthy sweet little one....a gift from our great God. This sweet baby girl will be well loved and protected. So happy for your family!
Celebrating with you!
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