Okay, everyone.....
Here is fair warning, for those of you who may be a bit squeamish! The following post contains pics of Cameron's missing tooth, and one is decently graphic, so stop reading HERE is you don't want to see them!
These were taken about five hours after the 'incident'. Basically, there isn't really all that much to tell about what happened, it wasn't any major 'story' or anything. All 5 of us were outside, and the boys were playing in their pool. It is one of the family blow-up ones, and it is pretty good sized. They have their swing-set slide on one side, and have gotten hours of entertainment by going down that slide and landing in about 8 inches of water that we fill the pool with.
Shane and I were sitting in two lawn chairs watching the action, about 5 feet or so from the pool. (Just goes to show you that major accidents can happen with a parent or two sitting right there.) Cameron went down the slide, and then stood up. He just stood there for a minute, looking in our direction, and let out this little cry. Shane said, "Hey Dev, I think Cameron's bleeding" and got up to go over and check things out.
When he got to the pool, Cameron opened his mouth and blood was pouring out. He scooped Cameron out of the water to take him inside to try to see what damage had been done, but on the way in, I stopped them to try to look into his mouth and find the source of the bleeding. That's when I saw that his front left tooth was GONE and began the freak-out session. (Thank you for all the comments making me feel better, by the way!)
After we realized his tooth was not jammed up into the gum but actually out, I went back to the pool in search. I found the tooth, root and all, about a foot from the bottom of the slide. The best guess we can make is that, either while he was going down the slide or right after he hit the bottom, Cameron hit the bottom part of his tooth (maybe on the slide, or on his knee, or something) and he hit it in just the right spot that made it come out from the top down.
I know that sounds confusing....picure a teeter-totter, how, when you push on one side of it, the other side goes up....that's how I think it happened with his tooth. He knocked the bottom part of it inward, and the top came, well, outward. That's the only way I can figure it happened, anyway, that the whole thing came out, root included! (Plus, he has a gash on his gum from where the tooth was all the way to where his gum meets the inside of his upper lip, seeming to indicate that the root shot out from the gum instead of being like, pulled downwards.

He is still just as precious, though, don't you think!?

Aww, he's still just as cute as can be! Glad it wasn't worse!
Oh my, that is I think the worst injury I have seen. I am a little queasy today and that didn't help, but of course I couldn't help but look. Is he feeling okay now? I think I would be crying for him still! I am sorry this happened to you guys...he is still one of the cutest boys around!
well, just hope the tooth fairy was a bit generous seeing as how he wasn't supposed to lose it that soon and he had to lose blood and go through pain for it. doesn't have to be a rich tooth fairy, just one with alot of silver change! :) he is only 2. he doesn't understand value yet right?
Poor baby! Of course he is just as cute as ever. I can't imagine what I would have done if I would have seen that bloody mess.
I admit it - I skipped the description and all the pictures until the last one. (Sorry -just can't take it)
But he looks adorable...
I can sympathize with you. Last year Taylor, at around the same age, smashed her face into the floor at the airport. It would have been better if the tooth had come out but it went straight back. She had to be sedated at the ER to have it pulled out.
Cameron still looks so cute!
okay, i don't consider myself too squeamish, but the teeter-totter analogy of his tooth coming out was a little disconcerting. :)
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