A sneak peek at our craft session yesterday! We got our Thanksgiving groove on, and decided to make some Indian headdresses to wear to our church Thanksgiving Dinner last night.
Coloring "feathers"
"I like this, Mommy!"
In the midst of all the 'crafting time', I caught a little 'brotherly love time' on the camera

"I like this, Mommy!"

In the midst of all the 'crafting time', I caught a little 'brotherly love time' on the camera

"What do you think, Mom? Am I handsome or Am. I. Handsome?"

Sweet Cameron did so well....he colored all his feathers, by himself, and even used the 'I-only-cut-paper-kind' of scissors to cut them out!

Colin, my main crafter...this kid would sit at a table all day and do crafts if I let him! Wait, what am I talking about....not 'if I let him', rather 'if I could come up with them'.

Colin, my main crafter...this kid would sit at a table all day and do crafts if I let him! Wait, what am I talking about....not 'if I let him', rather 'if I could come up with them'.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah,
Oh, oh, oh, oh!!"

Time for some hootin' and hollerin', Indian-style

HOW! Me like-um young Injun headdress.
orry, channeling "Tonto" for a minute! Am I politically incorrect or what?!? (But not in the Bill Maher sense)
Very good job, mama!
Oops, I can't spell apparently.
That second sentence is supposed to start with the word "Sorry"
Too much fun! My boys would love it if we did something like that! By the way- your boys remind me so much of my own! Aren't boys fun? Gotta love being a momma to all boys... ;)
Hi, my name is Carolyn and I "happened" upon your blog through a link from someone elses... I was drawn to the fact that you have a house full of boys - just like me! 3 of them and very similar in ages! (isn't it so fun!!) I was also drawn to the fact that after three healthy sons you have walked the sad road of loss...as have we. We lost our first baby after 3 healthy pregnancies - it was difficult. And then we lost another within 6 months after the first.
Anyway, I could go on and on...I glimpsed through your blog and had many smiles - catching bits and pieces of your life with 3 crazy little ones :) Lots of pics - I take a ton of mine too.
Our little family is in Mexico City - doing our best to share Jesus.
Hope to keep following your blog every now and then. God's abundant blessing on your beautiful boys and your angel up there.
That has to be so perfectly politically incorrect...that I'm totally stealing the idea D! :0)
(Plus, how fun seriously! How are you going to do the pilgrim hats?)
It's always a great post when those beautiful babes are in it!
You are one great mom!
I had to laugh at your song comment, when my husband happens on the blog once in a blue moon he asks me to take that song off...he hates it! :)
I soooo wish our boys could hang...
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