{They dry dishes....}

{....even behind all the pictures...}

{...they vacuum the kitchen and dining room...}

And, you should see them work that toilet brush.
HA! Not really but I'm workin' on it.
I'm just training them up in the way they should go...
Can I get an amen, all you busy Mommies?
I'm hearin' ya! Praise the Lord for those swiffer dusters! It's so awesome how they are so willing to help when they are young like this! It brings joy to my ears when my girls are debating over who "gets" to change one of the boys' diapers!!! Start 'em young!
Gotta love that last one of Ethan! Cutie Pie!
i'm with ya on the housework--and amelie actually really LOVES to help. and i'm pretty sure she vaccums better than i do =)
Yes, do start them young, otherwise when they're 14, their idea of cleaning their room will be to shut the door...and they will look at you like you've "done lost your MIND" if you ask them to help clean in any other part of the house.
We have been teaching our boys to clean and help out too. As for now they- make their beds, pick up their toy room and bedroom, take out the trash, put the silverware away (from the dishwasher), get the mail,and take mail out that needs to be sent. They have been earning allowances the last few months too. They love the responsibility and I love the lightened load! I totally agree with you on this one! Who says boys can't do housework?! ;)
totally getting an amen from over here! My boys start with a clorox wipe young and can do the bathroom counters too!
AMEN!!! My 6 yr. old boy cleans his own toliet (I use shampoo to clean with) and wipes down the outside and his sink and counter tops, he's really good at washing dishes and loading dishwasher. He has even helped with laundry.
Yeah! I love it when Zachary and Justin argue over who vacuumed last time and whose turn it is next. We have a lot of space to vacuum, so they usually each get a turn when the other one gets tired. They make beds, bring laundry downstairs, empty the dishwasher, set the table and whatever else I can think of! :)
Gotta teach them early! And they seem to like it. I'm sure in a few years we'll be nagging them to do it.
I better start mine now, cause I can't wait for that day! You lucky mommy, you!
Pure awesomeness D,
Look at those beautiful babes work!
that IS the way to do it! :)
I am with you all the way on this one! AMEN. xo
Work smarter not harder I say.
This blog is a Godsend. Our life is getting out of control and I know it is because I am currently failing to "bring them up in the way they should go" in regards to keeping up the house. Thank you for the encouragement on what I can and should be expecting at this stage.
Hey, could you send your cleaning crew here, quick???
I have company coming in <3 hours, and I haven't finished cleaning, I need to shower, and I HAVE GOT to go to the grocery store....
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